Weber EWI to a 1930’s semi-detached property in Dudley
17th January 2018
Stable block conversion near Worcester
19th January 2018Silicone Render helps to create a contemporary twist to a rural period property near Worcester

The project essentially involved two separate systems. Wetherby EWI to solid brick wall construction was applied to the original period property.
The rear extension was a metal framed construction. Insulation was applied within the framework meaning that a Wetherby ‘render only’ system was required. The beauty of thin coat systems is that most of our supplier’s top coats are the same for EWI and render only systems. Therefore, the Silicone K 1.5mm in 0500 White was seamless between the refurb & the new build extension.

Wetherby Silicone Render

Wetherby external wall insulation to the original property